Open Monday - Sunday, 10AM - 10PM



83 x 100 x 65 cm 

Dedicated to the book 'Invisible Cities' by Italo Calvino

What does the concept of the city mean to us today? These days when it is getting harder and 
harder to live them as a city! Perhaps we are approaching the crisis point of urban life and 
invisible cities are a dream born from the heart of cities that have become uninhabitable. There 
is talk of the destruction of the natural environment as much as the attraction of large 
technological systems that can cause chain damage by blocking entire metropolises. The crisis 
experienced by very large cities is the other side of the crisis experienced by nature. 'Today's 
biggest problem is global climate change. The biggest trigger for this is the big cities that we 
believe offer us safe living spaces'. This sentence by Italio Calvino is what triggers me again in my 
work. Bilal Hakan Karakaya.